It’s ghost and goblin time !!

Happy Halloween to all my readers, I cannot believe it is already here !! Just another day and then we will be in November and then the count down begins to Thanksgiving, then Christmas and then the new year begins !!

I made some fun halloween jewelry yesterday for our youngest daughter, her three kids and our oldest daughters little guy, our youngest grandson !!

Our youngest  daughter is going to paint her face as a sugar skull and wanted colorful and gaudy jewelry, so this is what we came up with and I made for her !!






So, this will be a fun and colorful costume !!

Last year I made one of our grandaughters, our oldest sons daughter,  a Frozen necklace , it turned out so pretty and was so much fun !!

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This years necklaces were much simplier

a necklace for a ninja,  for our oldest daughters son,  and I had no ninja stuff, so I took a pop pull he had asked me to use in a necklace around a year ago, added his intitial and a “ninja ” sword  and added a pretty vintage red cord and he had a ninja necklace !!

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then I was challenged to come up with a Fairy pirate necklace for our youngest daughters , youngest daughter,  so this is what I came up with. After halloween I will take the pirate charm off and let her pick a pretty one to use on that irredescent pendent instead !! I used an irredescent cord too, really pretty other than the charm, lol !!

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Then a zombie baker, her oldest daughter plans to be a pastry chef or baker when she grows up, so I suggested a fleur de lis since many pastry chefs train in Paris. NOPE, this is what she chose.


Then the last sister,the middle girl,  plans to take care of animals as her career so she wanted to be a vet for halloween, so hers was an easier choice. Unfortunately grandma does not have many animal charms, but she found a pretty one she liked !!


so, our daughter, and her girls all got new jewelry, our other daughter, our daughter in law and the other grand kids, we have seven total, did not need any help this year. Our other daughter came over the night of my eye shot and made a steam punk hat for her oldest, but I was not involved and too out of it from the day to take pictures, she did a nice job and  I will get pictures later !!

One last halloween picture, some of the pumkins that our daughter, her husband and the three girls did !! The others have kids pictures and I do not put the kids pictures on my blog.


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So, Happy Halloween to everyone, I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday weekend and lots of candy and treats are involved !!!


5 responses to “It’s ghost and goblin time !!”

  1. Wow I love everything that you made! Very impressive and so unique! Each one is personal. I love the frozen necklace the best and the pumpkins are so awesome!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much for your kind words !! I was pretty proud of the frozen necklace !! It came out very nice !! I had fun making all the new pieces as well !!
      They did a great job on the pumpkins!!


  2. What fun projects! My kiddos have ventured down to my sisters for the weekend, so I am kid free! Alone time with hubby man. Yeah! Hope you have a fantastic Halloween weekend!


    1. Sounds like a nice weekend for you both !! I will have the weekend to myself ! My hubby works 12 hours both days , our daughter , her hubby and kids live with us and they have some plans so it will be nice to have some alone time too !! I wish my husband was off but he works every other weekend !! Enjoy your relaxing weekend!!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Poor thing! I’ve been putting in some long hours like that too. It’s SO hard to keep my side ventures going when I’m always at “my job.” I hope that you relish your alone time, and do only the things that YOU want to do. We don’t get those opportunities very often! Have fun girl!


I would love to hear what you think !!!

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